AntispamSniper for The Bat!: history of changes

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[ + Added feature ]
[ * Improved/changed feature ]
[ - Bug fixed (we hope) ]


[*] Fixed UI issues with TheBat themes.


[*] Internal bugfixes and optimization.


[-] Fixed compatibility issues with TheBat 10.


[-] Minor UI bugfixes.


[*] (pro) Added support of OAUTH authentication.


[*] (pro) Fixed an issue with filtering IMAP accounts.


[*] (pro) Fixed a compatibility issue with TheBat 11.
[*] (pro) Added IPv6 support.


[*] (pro) Fixed an issue with accessing some mail servers using SSL protected connection.


[*] (pro) Minor bugfixes and UI enhancements.


[-] (pro) Fixed an issue with filtering SMTP protocol when SMTP ports (25, 465, 587) are specified in account properties on Accounts tab in plug-in settings.


[-] (pro) Fixed an issue with and some other mail servers.


[*] (pro) Bugfixes and optimization.


[-] (pro) Fixed a problem with mail servers with disabled TLS 1.0 protocol.
[-] (pro) The checking of sender IPs via DNSBL is modified to avoid false positives.


[-] (pro) Fixed a compatibility issue with Windows 10 RS5 Insider Preview.
[*] (pro) The timeout for TheBat accounts is reduced to 600 seconds (the value can be modified manually).
[*] Minor modification for compatibility with TheBat 8.x.


[*] Minor bugfixes.


[*] (pro) Removed support of SpamNet, which stops working soon.
[*] (pro) Holding Shift key on the keyboard disables training the statistical classifier during pressing the toolbar buttons "Mark as Spam" and "Mark as Non-Spam".
[-] Various bugfixes.


[*] (pro) Fixed a compatibility issue in 64-bit version of the plug-in with current versions of Windows 10 Insider Preview.


[*] (pro) Fixed a compatibility issue in 64-bit version of the plug-in with pre-release versions of Windows 10.


[*] (pro) Training on outgoing mail messages works for all accounts, including the accounts using SSL.
[*] (pro) Blocking spam by headers and filtering IMAP works more stable for the domains having multiple IP addresses on Windows 8/10.
[*] (pro) Fixed extracting email addresses from message body to avoid adding to whitelist wrong items.
[*] (pro) Other minor bugfixes.


[-] (pro) Fixed a compatibility issue with latest builds of Windows 10.


[-] Internal bugfixes.
[*] Filtering of SSL connections is disabled by default.


[-] (pro) Fixed a compatibility issue with TheBat 7.
[*] Minor bugfixes.


[-] (pro x64) Fixed a compatibility issue with Windows 10.
[*] Added support for /reg command line parameter of TheBat, allowing to run multiple instances of TheBat with different mail profiles.


[-] (pro x64) Fixed incompatibility with the latest updates of Windows 8.1.
[-] Minor bugfixes.

version x64

Version for TheBat\Voyager 6 64-bit


Version for TheBat\Voyager 5.x:
[*] (pro) The plug-in filters IMAP accounts faster.
[-] (pro) Fixed issues with mail servers having multi-domain SSL certificates.
[*] (pro) URIBL service is removed due to it's bad performance.
[*] Internal bugfixes and optimization.


Version for all versions of TheBat\Voyager:
[*] (pro) The plug-in filters IMAP accounts faster.
[-] (pro) Fixed issues with mail servers having multi-domain SSL certificates.
[*] (pro) URIBL service is removed due to it's bad performance.
[*] Internal bugfixes and optimization.


Version for TheBat\Voyager 5.x:
[+] It is possible to restore a message classified by full content from filtering log, by dragging it from log window to a folder in email client or to any other application. The button 'Undelete' allows saving a stored message to a file. The undeleted messages with status "Classified as Spam by header" are downloaded to email client during checking new mail.
[*] The classification and training work faster.
[*] (pro)The plug-in uses a common Junk mail folder if it exists for moving there the messages marked as spam.
[-] (pro)The plug-in was unable to train on messages marked as non-spam in common Junk mail folder using plug-in's toolbar button.


Version for all versions of TheBat\Voyager:
[+] It is possible to restore a message classified by full content from filtering log, by dragging it from log window to a folder in email client or to any other application. The button 'Undelete' allows saving a stored message to a file. The undeleted messages with status "Classified as Spam by header" are downloaded to email client during checking new mail.
[*] The classification and training work faster.


Version for TheBat\Voyager 5.x!:
[-] Fixed an issue with the port number of SniperSync server.


[-] Fixed an issue with the port number of SniperSync server.


Version for TheBat\Voyager 5.x!:
[-] Fixed minor bugs.
[*] Updated Chinese translation.


Version for TheBat\Voyager 5.x!:
[*] Native toolbar is created automatically in TheBat in Voyager.
[+] Added toolbar buttons for classifying and filtering selected messages in the current folder.
[+] The button "Import AB" on Friends page imports contacts from TheBat address book.
[+] The messages marked as non-spam in Junk folder are moved to Inbox automatically.
[-] Minor bugfixes and optimization.


[-] Minor bugfixes and optimization.


[*] Several changes for better stability.


[*] Several fixes for avoiding UI locks during training and classifying the downloaded mail.


[-] (pro) Fixed some issues on Windows XP.


[-] (pro) Fixed an issue with Evaluation Expired window on some versions of TheBat.


[-] Fixed plug-in loading issues on some versions of TheBat.


[*] Changes for compatibility with The Bat! 5.x.
[-] Several bugfixes.


[*] The mail messages from news groups are classified as messages from mail lists.
[*] The whitelist of senders is not used for the messages with forged sender address, classified by a server-side SPF filter.
[*] Internal optimization and bugfixes.


[*] The plug-in assigns display name #untrusted# to the whitelist entries, used in From field of the messages marked as spam. The subsequent messages from such addresses are classified with a full set of antispam methods.
[*] (pro) Improved the stability of filtering IMAP accounts and message headers via POP3.
[*] Minor changes in UI.


[*] Several fixes for compatibility with Windows 7 and some models of processors.
[*] (pro) Auto-training on outgoing mail works for unprotected SMTP connections using any port.
[*] The minimum message size in settings is incremented automatically if necessary, during training on spam.
[*] (pro) The IMAP folder names in Unicode are decoded properly during checking the list of IMAP exceptions.


[*] The trainable classifier extracts more information from the text of mail messages.
[-] (pro) Fixed a deadlock on sending the messages during downloading new mail, when auto-training on outgoing mail is turned on.
[*] (pro) Anti-phishing rules are updated.
[*] (pro) The parameters of URIBL and SpamNet filters are updated for better spam classification.
[-] Fixed a problem with the recognition of forged sender addresses.


[-] (pro) Fixed a problem with some black rules for IMAP protocol.
[*] The extensions of attachments from messages marked as spam are deleted from the list of exceptions automatically.
[-] Fixed a character set in the window for editing sender address.
[-] Fixed an issue in the algorithm for detecting forged sender addresses.


[*] Minor UI updates and internal optimization.
[-] Fixed the delays occurred when the plug-in was trained during downloading new mail.


[+] (pro) It is possible to use wildcards ('*' masking any number of other symbols) in the list of IMAP exceptions.
[*] (pro) The new version can filter IMAP accounts with CRAM-MD5 authentication.
[*] The plug-in classifies large text messages faster.
[-] Minor bugfixes.


[+] The additional internal whitelist of senders is added for preventing false positives. The plug-in updates this list automatically. It adds to new whitelist the senders of several messages, classified with low spam ratio. The senders of messages marked as spam are removed from the list permanently. The Reason field for the messages classified as non-spam by internal whitelist has a prefix [auto] in Filtering log.
[+] (pro) The automatic internal lists of exceptions for DNSBL and URIBL contain network subnets and domains from the messages marked as non-spam. The plug-in ignores them during classifying new mail.
[+] Added Chinese translation.


[+] Added French and Hungarian translations.
[*] (pro) The timeouts of DNS queries are updated to improve the speed of checking IP addresses via DNSBL services.
[-] In certain cases the free version created a file spamnet.cfg on the desktop.


[*] The plug-in exports the filtering log to text files using UTF8 encoding.
[*] Added Norwegian translation.
[-] Minor internal bugfixes and optimization.


[+] (pro) The plug-in is integrated with Cloudmark SpamNet. The control sums of message text and attachments are checked against the online database of spam and phishing messages.
[-] Minor bugfixes.


[+] Added German, Czech and Slovak translations.
[-] (pro) Fixed an incompatibility with some antiviruses.
[-] (pro) Minor bugfixes and optimization in the code for checking DNSBL and URIBL services.
[-] Fixed a bug, causing crashes in some cases during searching for a substring in Filtering log.


[-] Fixed an incompatibility with Windows 2000
[-] Fixed a bug in automatic clearing of the Filtering log
[*] (pro)Checking the sender IP via DNSBL services works faster
[*] Added Galician translation


[-] (pro) Fixed several issues with checking spam by headers.
[+] It is possible to change the colors in filtering log.
[*] Added several translations.
[*] Internal optimization and minor bugfixes.

version 3.0 beta 1

[+] (pro) The plug-ins can exchange with the filtering data in local network, via SniperSync server. The common whitelist of senders and common database of message descriptors implemented in SniperSync are available for the connected plug-ins.
[+] (pro) Full SSL support is implemented:
- The plug-in can filter IMAP sessions, protected with TLS or STARTTLS
- It is possible to restore the messages, mistakenly blocked by header via POP3s connections
- The plug-in adds accounts using standard ports for SSL protected POP3 and IMAP to the list of filtered accounts automatically.
- The types of protected connection TLS and STARTTLS are recognized automatically.
[+] (pro) The following predefined conditions are implemented for using in rules:
EMPTY_BODY - Message doesn't contain non-empty text or attachments
NOT_TO_ME - The lists of recipients (To: and CC: header fields) don't contain the address of destination mailbox.
DATE_IN_FUTURE - The message creation date is in future (more than 25 hours after receive date).
FORGED_NDR - Message contains an invalid non-delivery report (NDR). This condition detects reverse NDR attacks.
CAPITAL_LETTERS_IN_SUBJECT - More than 80% of capital letters in subject, which is at least 10 symbols in size.
It is possible to add the rules from this XML file using the button Import in "Black rules" dialog.
[+] (pro) The new filtering method URIBL blocks spam and phishing messages by checking the domains from message text against the specialized online blacklists.
[+] (pro) It is possible to turn off for particular accounts checking the sender IP via DNSBL and searching for black words in subjects.
[+] (pro) The statistics are added for DNSBL and URIBL services.
[+] (pro) It is possible to update the lists of DNSBL and URIBL services manually.
[*] (pro) The predefined list of DNSBL services is updated.
[*] (pro) Checking the sender IPs via DNSBL services now works faster and requires less system resources.
[+] Added HTTP proxy support
[+] The plug-in is checking for updates automatically on start of email client (optional feature).
[+] It is possible to change UI language in runtime on Options tab.
[+] The number of days is used to limit the lifetime of Filtering Log records. The log options are moved to Filtering Log toolbar.
[+] The Filtering Log displays the records, containing a substring entered in Filter field (if this field is not empty).
[+] Added an option for turning off the automatic updating the blacklist of sender addresses.
[+] It is possible to turn off auto-learning for the messages from mailing lists.
[+] An additional informational column with the domains of addresses is added to whitelist and blacklist dialogs.
[*] The plug-in corrects the training mistakes more effectively.
[*] Unicode is used in plug-in interface, where it is required to display the texts in different encodings correctly.
[*] Many minor changes and fixes.


[-] Fixed the incompatibility with AdMuncher and the latest versions of antiviruses: NOD32, McAfee, Panda.
[*] The following methods are improved: filtering spam by the presence of linked images, antiphishing filter.
[-] Auto-training on outgoing messages didn't work in TheBat 4.x.
[-] Internal bugfixes and optimization.


[-] (pro) Fixed the incompatibility with TheBat
[*] Minor internal optimization.


[*] The speed of classifying messages is improved.
[*] The Status column values in Filtering Log are sorted by the numerical value of spam ratio.
[+] The plug-in assigns the name "#untrusted#" for the mailing list identifier (List-Id) in Friends list after marking as spam a message with the same List-Id. The messages from untrusted mailing lists are classified using the full set of antispam methods.
[-] The plug-in didn't check the rule names for duplicates during importing rules from xml.
[-] Some messages downloaded from MAPI accounts were parsed incorrectly.


[+] The plug-in uses List-Id header value instead of From during classifying the mailing list messages. The email addresses are not extracted from the body of mailing list messages, and List-Id field value is used for updating white and black lists of email addresses.
[*] The switching to testing mode works faster.
[-] (pro) The white rules were not used if a message was recognized as spam by anti-phishing filter or by attachment rules.
[-] (pro) Some messages with attachments became corrupted after filtering.
[-] (pro) The file size limit was not used during filtering the attachments.


[*] The plug-in executable is signed for compatibility with the future versions of TheBat and Voyager.
[-] The odd spaces were added sometimes to large message subjects during classifying the messages.
[-] (pro) The errors occurred on automatic creation of a spam folder for some restricted IMAP accounts.
[-] (pro) The delays during classifying small messages via IMAP are eliminated.
[*] (pro) The plug-in prevents creating new accounts after changing IP address of the listed domain.


[-] (Pro) Fixed incompatibilities with some email servers.
[-] (Pro) The odd string "Received: for …" appeared in message body on downloading messages from some servers.
[*] Internal improvements for better performance and stability.
[+] (Pro) Additional 14-day trial is available after installing new Pro versions.


[*] Periodical auto-save is added for the Filtering Log.
[*] (pro) The compatibility issues with Panda, DrWeb and other programs filtering mail connections are eliminated.
[-] (pro) The filtering by headers worked improperly with disabled flag "Store the copies of messages deleted by headers on the server, for allowing undeleting the false positives".
[*] (pro) The plug-in adds "Received: for <mailbox@domain>" to the message headers automatically for non-SSL POP3 accounts, where mailbox@domain - is the mailbox address from POP3 account settings in plug-in.
[*] Minor internal optimization and bugfixes.


[*] The messages containing large HTML body with many hyperlinks are filtered faster.
[-] False positives are eliminated for the rules containing conditions with negation flag.
[-] Unexpected breaks of connections during filtering headers are handled more correctly.


[-] The filtering worked slowly when the whitelist contains items with several subsequent symbols '*'. The new version removes the odd symbols '*' automatically.
[*] The option "Execute DNSBL checks for headers only" is removed from DNSBL dialog. The new version allows blocking spam by IP address during checking headers only.
[-] Aborting checking headers may lead to loosing the stored spam, previously marked as deleted by headers.


[+] The rule conditions for message headers are now applied to attachment headers too.
[+] The subsystem for blocking spam by the checksum of attachments now works for the message text/html body too.
[+] The messages, which contain recipient email address in sender email address, are not recognized as non-spam by the whitelist and classified using full message contents.
[*] The updated classification algorithm is less sensitive to training mistakes.
[-] The better protection from unexpected shutdowns is implemented for the configuration files.
[-] Minor UI bugs fixed.
[*] The name of attachment is displayed in filtering log for the messages blocked by attachment checksum.


[-] There was a problem with checking POP3 accounts on some servers.

[+] Added Dutch translation.

[*] The manual is updated.


[*] The trainable algorithm is improved. New filter learns faster and able to separate spam from good messages with better confidence.
[-] The plug-in was unable to filter IMAP for some email servers.
[+] Added Brazilian Portuguese translation.

[*] The plug-in shows “Checking headers” window only for long operations.
[*] DNSBL checking works faster when downloading many messages.
[-] The letter case was changed in conditions on importing rules from XML.
[+] It is possible to change the size of many configuration windows. The plug-in saves the position of these windows and the widths of columns in lists.
[-] Several minor bugs are fixed in classifier.
[+] Added Norwegian translation. Galician translation is updated.


[-] Minor IMAP filtering bugs are fixed
[-] The white and black lists were not always updated correctly during training
[*] Pressing Esc closes the filtering log window
[*] A list of log records in filtering log supports system color settings
[+] The content of partially hidden log field is displayed on placing the cursor over it.
[+] It is possible to change the order of columns in filtering log by dragging the headers of columns to new positions
[+] It is possible to press Shift key and set the sorting order in filtering log for several columns simultaneously
[*] The plug-in switches faster to checking DNSBL via HTTP when DNS server is unavailable
[*] New languages are supported: Italian, French, Romanian, Galician. The German and Hungarian translations are updated.

[-] Fixed an incompartibility with NOD32
[+] Minor UI enhancements
[+] Added Czech translation
[*] Updated Polish, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian translations

version 2.0 beta 2
[*] It is possible to turn off saving on server the copies of messages deleted by headers for some accounts. Undeleting the false positives for such accounts will be impossible. (Comm.version)
[*] The support of 16*16 mode is added for the toolbar buttons. (Comm.version)
[+] The black list of senders is implemented. It is updated automatically on training the plug-in on spam messages and manually from UI.
[+] It is possible to update white and black lists from the context menu of filtering log.
[-] Several minor bugs are fixed in classifier.

version 2.0 beta 1
[+] IMAP support is implemented (comm.version)
[+] The classification algorithm is updated for better filtering the graphical spam. Additional training on messages with attached pictures is required.
[+] The automatic training option is added for rules
[+] The emails for adding to whitelist are optionally extracted from message bodies
[+] It is possible to block the messages by the type of attachment (comm.version)
[+] The plug-in can block the messages with attached animated GIF images (comm.version)
[+] The plug-in can block the messages with attached Windows executables (comm.version)
[+] It is possible to block the messages with clickable images, linked to potentially dangerous websites (comm.version)
[-] Several minor bugs are fixed


[-] Fixed the incompatibility with DrWeb and some other anti-viruses.
[+] The column “Address” in filtering log displays the originating mailboxes of the classified messages.
[+] It is possible to delete the saved spam from server using a special toolbar button in filtering log. The button marks the hidden messages for removal, which actually occurs on subsequent checking the mailboxes in email client. Restoring the mistakenly deleted good messages is impossible after removing from server their hidden copies.

[-] The incompatibility with NOD32 is fixed.
[-] Minor bugs are fixed in checking headers procedure.

version 1.8 beta 5
[-] The rule conditions didn’t work for the custom headers with the capital letters in content.
[-] The plug-in was hanging on downloading messages from some servers.
[*] The support of 24*24 mode is added for the toolbar buttons.

version 1.8 beta 3
[-] The accounts were not added automatically (in version 1.8 beta 1)
[*] If the checkbox “Ignore emails without display names” is not set, then the name in sender’s address is ignored and the message is classified as non-spam if an address of sender with any name is whitelisted.
[-] The errors on downloading email from old versions of MS Exchange are fixed.
[-] The list of black keywords was not updated on automatic learning the messages from friendly addresses.
[+] The correct handling of MD5 CRAM-HMAC authentication is implemented.
[-] A problem with handling the secured STARTLS connections is fixed.

version 1.8 beta 1
[+] It is possible to restore the messages, classified as spam and deleted from server by headers. To restore some message open Filtering log window, select the log record corresponding to deleted message and press the toolbar button “Restore deleted message”(or use a context menu item Undelete). The From address will be optionally added to whitelist. The restored messages will be downloaded next time on receiving emails from the corresponding account. This version ignores the messages classified as spam by headers and leaves them on server while the corresponding record exists in filtering log. The restoring works for non-SSL connections only.
[*] The plug-in checks headers only for the selected account instead of checking headers on all accounts of the given server.

[+] The search is added for a list of friendly addresses.
[-] A problem with unremovable black subject keywords in wrong encoding is fixed.
[-] The same spam ratio was displayed for black keywords in log when selected more than one word for searching in subjects.
[-] Minor problem with resizing of checking headers state window is fixed.

[-] Fixed an incompatibility with some applications that use socket hooks for filtering TCP protocols.
[*] The plug-in is automatically switching to HTTP service for checking IPs in message headers when the DNS server is unable to handle requests.
[-] A bug in fixed in anti-phishing filter.
[+] The number of hits is displayed in log records for each blacklisted IP.
[+] New fast DNSBL checking procedure
[*] New format of storages for the configuration files is implemented for avoiding errors after unexpected shutdowns of email client
[*] Vista is supported
[-] Fixed a bug in parsing email addresses with a comma inside the name
[-] A problem with resources under OSes lower than XP is fixed
[*] Minor UI updates
[+] A toolbar is added to TheBat UI (for commercal version only)
[+] It is possible to minimize the status window displayed during checking headers
[*] The performance of classification is increased
[-] TheBat was hanging on call to MAPILogon, if it was set as a default Simple MAPI handler
[-] The problem with checking headers on some RFC-incompatible servers was fixed
[-] It was impossible to change the minimum size of attachments for exceptions
[*] The new installer supports all available localizations

[-] The black rule "Malformed address (To)" was deleted from the default settings.
[-] The spam ratio for black words wasn't updated correctly.
[-] The "learning" icon wasn't displayed during the training process.
[*] Minor internal changes for increasing the stability.

[-] The rules with a first capital letter in pattern didn't work.
[-] The details page in Log displayed info on wrong items after sorting the list by any column except Time.

version 1.6.7
September 14, 2006
[+] Sorting is added for Filtering Log.
[+] New items for editing rules are added to Log context menu.
[+] New button for adding the sender to a list of friends is added to Log Details dialog.
[-] The changes in black rules weren't used in classifier immediately after applying them.
[-] It was impossible to delete items with wrong encodings from a list of black words.
[-] The configuration file msgids.bin often broke after unexpected shutdown of email client.
[*] The Connection Centre window doesn't lose focus on sending messages when an option "Learn the outgoing messages as non-spam" is turned on.
[*] Minor UI changes.

version 1.6.5
September 4, 2006
[+] The search is added for Filtering Log.
[+] It is possible to export log contents to the text file.
[-] The plug-in was unable to save the changes in log on OS shutdown with running TheBat!.
[-] The plug-in blocked downloading messages simultaneously from several mailboxes on the same server.
[-] It was impossible to use right Ctrl and Shift for the shortcut keys.
[-] The last reset time for the statistics wasn't updated correctly.
[*] The log window can be hidden by pressing the hotkey used for displaying it.
[*] The plug-in now uses the default user locale settings for displaying the dates.

version 1.6.4
August 9, 2006
[-] A major bug with filtering messages by headers is fixed. Sometimes the blacklisted messages were deleted from server even if they must be recognized as non-spam according to white rules or whitelist.
[*] Checking the DNSBL services using slow local method is optimized for avoiding hung-ups during checking headers on the server.
[*] The maximum possible length for stop-words is increased.
[-] Several minor bugs are fixed in a subsystem for filtering messages by keywords in subjects.

version 1.6.3
August 4, 2006
[+] New macros are added.
[-] A bug in protection subsystem with cutting a trial period is fixed.
[-] It was impossible to add manually non-english strings as stop-words (for filtering messages by keywords in subjects).
[*] All stop-words are now displayed in the corresponding list, independently from their spam ratio.
[*] The default set of DNSBL services is reduces for improving the performance of checking message headers.
[*] Minor UI changes.

version 1.6.2
July 13, 2006
[-] Several instances of the plug-in configuration window may appear on pressing the correspondent shortcut key several times.
[*] Minor UI changes.

version 1.6.1
July 10, 2006
[+] Macro added: %ANTISPAMSNIPER_VERSION. It returns the current version of the plug-in.
[+] Starting from version 1.6.1 the plug-in has two branches - commercial and free.

version 1.6
July 1, 2006
[*] Checking of DNSBLs on deleting spam by headers became faster.
[*] Configuration window is not pausing the classification of email messages.
[+] The plug-in is now able to cleanup its database automatically by removing unnecessary entries from time to time for faster training on new messages.
[-] The display mode for statistics was saved always without pressing OK/Apply.
[-] In some situations the headers leaved on server were checked several times.
[+] The plug-in is now able to delete spam on the server by headers.
[+] DNSBL checking feature is added.
[+] A list of black words is added for deleting spam by keywords in subjects.
[+] The plug-in is optionally learning the outgoing messages as non-spam automatically.
[+] It is possible to disable filtering for some servers using the filtering modes of accounts.
[-] Anti-phishing rules can now be turned off properly.

version 1.01
February 09, 2006
[+] Anti-phishing checks are added.

version 1.0
February 05, 2006