for The Bat! provides professional anti-spam and anti-phishing protection for
your mailbox. A combination of several methods for automatic email classification
results in an excellent filtering quality with the minimum error rate. The plug-in also has
a built-in option allowing you to delete spam on the server by message headers. Good messages deleted by mistake can be restored within a certain period of time after deletion.
The plug-in filters POP3 and IMAP accounts (filtering IMAP is not available in free version).
What methods are used?
- First of all, it is a statistical trainable classification algorithm with
unique characteristics. It analyzes your private correspondence, singles out
distinguishing features from messages of different classes and uses this
information for the effective analysis of incoming messages. The algorithm
constantly improves its classification quality with each new processed message.
- Messages from whitelisted senders are not
filtered by other methods and are classified as non-spam. The whitelist can be optionally
updated automatically.
- Messages received from blacklisted senders are classified as spam.
The blacklist is optionally updated automatically.
- Filtering rules detect spam and
normal messages by specific combinations of characters in their bodies and headers.
These rules are optional because the trained algorithm and the
whitelist are very effective. But carefully compiled lists of rules
may improve the classification quality in those cases when the algorithm cannot
select a certain class for a message with high probability.
- Exceptions are empirical
filtering conditions. For example, large messages are probably non-spam.
The presence of certain types of attached files can also be a good sign to
consider a message as non-spam.
- The anti-phishing filter blocks messages
with spoof links and thus protects you against phishing attacks.
- (pro) DNSBL services are used to block spam by the IP
address of the sender.
- (pro) URIBL services are used to block spam by the domains
in message text.
- (pro) The list of black words is used to delete spam
by keywords in message subjects.
- (pro) The plug-in optionally learns outgoing messages as non-spam.
- (pro) The plug-in can delete spam on the server using
the list of accounts. These filtering accounts can be added either manually
or automatically (in case of non-secure connections).
- Messages can be blocked by attachments types.
The plug-in automatically detects automatically attached Windows executable modules,
animated GIF images and images in HTML linked to fraudulent servers.
The classifier starts working right after the installation
and detects spam with a quite high quality. To improve the filtering
quality, you should configure the plug-in according to instructions from Getting